Luke Jacobs


My name is Luke Jacobs.
I am a first-year PhD student in ECE at UIUC
and a fellow of the NSF.
My advisor is Prof. Elahe Soltanaghai of the CS dept.


My research interests include wireless networks, environmental sensing, and radars. I love to learn about systems that give humans insights into nature. My current research project is designing a custom stepped-CW radar for under-canopy soil moisture estimation. I am also a fellow of the National Science Foundation. The research proposal that won me the fellowship was an idea for a radar system to monitor urban bird populations.


Multiperspective Automotive Labeling

Luke Jacobs, Akhil Kodumuri, Jim James, Seongha Park, Yongho Kim

Accepted into 2020 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW)

Read Paper


[Nov 2023]  TA work recognized by the CS department in this article
[May 2023]  Accepted into UIUC for MS/PhD track in ECE
[May 2023]  Graduated UIUC undergrad in EE with highest honors
[Mar 2023]  Awarded NSF GRFP fellowship


You can contact me at my email,